Sunday, September 5, 2021Hidden Threats to Tarantulas in Your Home
In this episode, we talk about hazards in our home that could prove dangerous or lethal to our spiders.
Sunday, August 29, 2021The Tarantula Care 101 Exam!
Well, I'm back to school and prepping for my new classes, which has me in full teacher mode. While taking a break, I thought that it would be fun...
Monday, August 23, 2021Amazing Tarantula Communal Behavior and O. violaceopes Care
As luck would have it, the day after posting my podcast featuring some communal updates, I caught an amazing interaction in my M. balfouri communal en...
Sunday, August 15, 2021Blue Tarantula Update!
In this episode, I share some updates on the M. balfouris, the P. metallicas, and my O. violoceopes.
Sunday, August 8, 2021The Most Bizarre Comments or Suggestions I've Received Over the Years
Over the years, I've heard some crazy stories from people about their tarantulas and tarantula care. In this episode, I go through some of the st...
Sunday, August 1, 2021Swift's Inverts, H. maxima, and Rehousing Critique
Recently, I did an unboxing video for an order from Swift's Inverts, and the two spiders I bought gave Billie and I quite the hard time during th...
Sunday, July 25, 2021Feeders and Is Not Fearing OW Tarantulas a Bad Thing?
To kick it off, we'll talk a bit about misinformation surrounding feeder insects. Then, we answer a listener's question about if it's a...
Sunday, July 18, 2021Why Is Such a Simple Hobby So Difficult?
After Googling some tarantula topics the other day, it dawned on my why what I believe is a very simple hobby appears to be so darned complicate at ti...
Monday, July 12, 2021The Giants - Getting Measurements of My Largest Tarantulas
To kick this one off, I talk a bit about the passing of my adult H. chilensis. Then, it's off to the main topic in which we discuss some of the m...
Sunday, July 4, 2021Phormictopus Mess and Molting Mishap
Well, Phormictopus species seem to be the new "it" tarantulas, which should be awesome. However, in this episode, I discuss my mixed feeling...
Monday, June 28, 2021Top 100+ Favorite Tarantulas A-Z Commentary Pt. 3
And the FINAL part of this marathon discussion!
Sunday, June 20, 2021Top 100+ Favorite Tarantulas A-Z Commentary Pt. 2
In the second part of this feature, I discuss the spiders in my collection G-0 (yes, there will be a part 3!).