Sunday, November 7, 2021Luring the Wrong Kind of People Into the Hobby
In this episode, we discuss what happens when your attempts to lure others into the hobby attracts the wrong type of people.
Sunday, October 31, 2021Halloween Special - Tarantulas with Orange
In this episode, we discuss some of the tarantulas that sport those festive orange tones. Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 24, 2021Pamphobeteus Revisited
I've had several requests for updated Pamphobeteus care lately, so I decided to focus a podcast on it. As I was recording it, I got the sneaking ...
Sunday, October 17, 2021Just How Deadly or Dangerous Are Our Spiders?
Anyone who has listened to me for any length of time knows how much I HATE when folks use their social media platforms to feed into the idea that spid...
Monday, October 11, 2021What If I HAVE to Heat My Tarantulas?
To kick it off, I talk a bit about my recent huntsman spider buying spree. Then, we tackle a topic I get asked about all of the time; what do you do i...
Sunday, October 3, 2021Why Is the Tarantula Hobby So Addictive?
After being asked how one ends up with 220 tarantulas, I sat down to give some thought as to why this hobby is so addictive.
Sunday, September 26, 2021Buying Tarantulas Online
Looking to buy your tarantulas online? In this podcast, we'll discuss some advice for spider shopping as well as some as tips on what to expect.
Sunday, September 19, 2021C. versicolor and Why are Tarantulas So Expensive?
First, we talk a bit about the perception that C. versicolor is a fragile spider. Then, we discuss why tarantula prices are so high in the United Stat...
Sunday, September 12, 2021Tarantulas and Children
In this episode, we discuss whether or not children should have tarantulas as pets and whether or not these amazing arachnids pose any threat to the l...
Sunday, September 5, 2021Hidden Threats to Tarantulas in Your Home
In this episode, we talk about hazards in our home that could prove dangerous or lethal to our spiders.
Sunday, August 29, 2021The Tarantula Care 101 Exam!
Well, I'm back to school and prepping for my new classes, which has me in full teacher mode. While taking a break, I thought that it would be fun...
Monday, August 23, 2021Amazing Tarantula Communal Behavior and O. violaceopes Care
As luck would have it, the day after posting my podcast featuring some communal updates, I caught an amazing interaction in my M. balfouri communal en...