In this episode, we'll break down the recent "name changes" for Euathlus sp. red as well as several species of Tapinauchenius (SPOILER:...
Sunday, October 21, 2018Handling Tarantulas - A Discussion
I normally steer clear of this debate as I can honestly see points on both sides. Personally, I don't make a point of handling and don't pro...
Monday, October 8, 2018DKS In Tarantulas - A Paper Review
Anyone who has ever experienced DKS symptoms in a tarantula can tell you how terrible it is to observe...and how helpless it leaves you feeling. In th...
Sunday, September 30, 2018Chilobrachys Species Review
I've been getting a lot of questions about Chilobrachy species lately, and folks have been asking for a podcast that focuses on species care, so ...
Sunday, September 23, 2018Hobby Infighting and Why We Need to Be More Mature and Learn to Get Along
For many of us in the tarantula hobby, social media, particularly forums and Facebook groups, offer a "family" of people who share our rathe...
Sunday, September 16, 2018Mixed Bag ft. A Call for Help, Substrate, and Buying Ts to Get Over a Fear of Spiders
First, we settle the B. albopilosum Nicaragua "debate." Next, I'm reaching out to hobbyists for help for what I believe to be an import...
Sunday, September 9, 2018How the Poecilotheria Ruling Highlights the Issue With Hybrids.
Now that five species of Poecilotheria are being regulated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, it's time to revisit the topic of hybrids and why...
Sunday, September 2, 2018Thoughts on Keeping Fossorial Ts Like Terrestrials (and My Issue with Trolls)
In this episode, I share my thoughts on keeping fossorial tarantulas on shallow substrate in order to make them more visible. I also explain my issue ...
Sunday, August 26, 2018The "Hobby Staple" Tarantula List
Which tarantulas should be in every "complete" collection? With this fun list, I share the species that I think everyone should keep at some...
Sunday, August 19, 2018Tips for Managing a Large Tarantula Collection
It happens to many of us. What starts off as a modest collection of a few arachnids soon explodes into dozens of spiders. For those who find themselve...
Tuesday, August 14, 2018Fun with Bad Tarantula Articles! (Or, How Bad Info Is Created and Spread)
There is just so much misinformation about tarantulas out there, and I often wonder how some of the crazier stuff originates (and why people would bel...
Sunday, August 5, 2018Fish and Wildlife Service Ruling on Sri Lankan Poecilotheria Species.
For those who haven't heard, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has release their final ruling on Poecilotheria species. Long and short of it, five...